The Solution
IAMAsbestos reduces the risk of exposure to staff and contractors by managing the capturing & sharing of all asbestos data from a single remotely accessed web-based system. The software then uses this data to display all traces of asbestos clearly on a map & generates a risk assessment score that conforms to the HSE guidelines; effectively managing asbestos within the work environment. IAMAsbestos is accessible from any device that has internet access which enables all responsible personnel to fulfil their role in the safe management of this hazardous material.
IAMAsbestos enables Altrad to monitor & analyse all locations at their client’s workplace that are showing signs of asbestos in order to quickly determine if defects will be or have been mitigated by their due date. The software enables them to take control of the all aspects of asbestos (surveys, samples, certification, risk assessment scoring and remedial action planning) all managed within one easy-to-use system.