Turnarounds Demand Control: Are you Ready?

Are you prepared for your next turnaround?

Within the high-stakes, competitive environment of the oil and gas industry, effective and efficient turnaround operations are key. Although crucial, turnarounds are costly, complex, and come with many risks, yet essential in ensuring the safety and efficiency of industrial facilities. This article explores how digitalisation can revolutionise turnaround performance, guaranteeing timely and budget-friendly completion.

Why This Matters

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” — Charles Darwin.

Digitalisation has the potential to significantly improve the management of industrial workforces during turnarounds. Here are some key issues that digital solutions can address:

  • Real-Time Connectivity: Being connected in real-time to field operations ensures that management can monitor progress, address issues immediately, and adapt plans as needed.
  • Learning from Past Experiences: Digital tools can analyse historical data to predict challenges, allowing for proactive planning.
  • Enhanced Communication: Improved communication channels can increase worker and contractor motivation, productivity, and performance.
  • Reduction of Human Inefficiencies and Risks: Automated processes and data-driven decisions minimise human errors and enhance safety.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Digital platforms facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience, leading to more efficient and quicker solutions.
  • Support for Decision-Making: Real-time data provides insights that support informed decision-making in the field.

These improvements can lead to higher employee morale, increased productivity and efficiency, better cost management, improved quality control, enhanced communication and collaboration, greater adaptability and flexibility, optimised resource utilisation, higher customer satisfaction, better skill development and training, and enhanced safety and compliance.

How Digitalisation Achieves These Benefits

Enhanced Safety and Compliance: Safety is critical during turnaround operations. Digital tools, such as predictive maintenance and real-time monitoring, can significantly enhance safety measures. By using AI and machine learning, companies can predict potential safety issues and take preventive actions. For instance, AI algorithms can analyse real-time data to detect anomalies that could indicate safety risks, enabling proactive measures to prevent accidents.

Enhanced Planning and Scheduling: Digitalisation facilitates detailed planning and scheduling through advanced analytics and simulation tools. Digital twins, which are virtual replicas of physical assets, allow for the simulation of different scenarios to optimize schedules and resource allocation. This reduces downtime and ensures that operations proceed smoothly and efficiently​.

Cost Management and Resource / Optimisation: Digital tools help in tracking and optimising the use of resources. By analysing data on resource usage and costs, companies can identify areas where efficiencies can be gained, and costs reduced. Predictive analytics can forecast resource needs and maintenance schedules, reducing the likelihood of unexpected expenses, and ensuring that resources are used optimally.

Improved Communication: Digital platforms enhance communication among team members and between management and field workers. Real-time updates and alerts keep everyone informed and aligned, which is crucial for coordinating complex turnaround activities. Enhanced communication leads to better collaboration and faster problem resolution​.

Real-Time Data Monitoring: The ability to monitor data in real-time allows for immediate adjustments to be made during turnaround operations. This reduces the likelihood of delays and cost overruns. Real-time data also supports better decision-making by providing up-to-date information on the status of operations​​.

Predictive Maintenance: Predictive maintenance tools use data from sensors and other sources to predict when equipment is likely to fail. This allows maintenance to be performed just in time, rather than on a fixed schedule, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. Predictive maintenance also enhances safety by preventing equipment failures that could lead to accidents.


To conclude, digitalisation offers revolutionary approaches to managing turnaround operations in the oil and gas industry. Enhanced scheduling and planning, improved communication, enhanced safety, real-time data monitoring, predictive maintenance, and cost management are just a few ways in which digital tools can transform turnaround performance. By leveraging data solutions, companies can ensure turnarounds are completed on time and within budget, maximising efficiency and minimising risks. As the industry continues to evolve, embracing digitalisation will be crucial for maintaining a competitive advantage and achieving operational excellence.

Harnessing the advantages of digitalisation can significantly revolutionise your turnaround performance, ensuring timely and budget-friendly completion. Are you ready for your next turnaround?

For more insights into digitalising your turnaround operations with iPlanSTO, IAMTech's Shutdown, Turnaround and Outage software solution, visit IAMTech.com.

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